Max Bavin Main TD Course


The Max Bavin Main TD Course will be held in Warsaw, Poland from 15-18 September 2022 (3 nights).
The deadline for application is 31st May 2022 but space is limited and if necessary, acceptance for the course will be determined by the order in which the Application Forms are received.
The primary objectives of the Course are:

  1. to support NBOs in their activity through updating the knowledge of their leading Tournament Directors,
  2. to offer NBO Tournament Directors the opportunity to achieve the title of NBO International Tournament Director and to be appointed in the EBL Official TDs Register,
  3. to offer NBO International TDs the opportunity to achieve the title of EBL TD and to be appointed in the EBL Official TDs Register,
  4. to offer EBL TDs, already appointed in the EBL Official TDs Register, the opportunity to maintain or improve their category.

For further information contact your NBO’s TD Contact or To download the Registration Form click here.
To download the Preliminary information click here.