201728aprAll Day01maySlavonice CupSlavonice, Czech Republic(All Day)(GMT+00:00)
The tournament is played in a qualification-final scheme. The exact scheme depends on the number of participating teams and will be published after the entries are closed. Playing rooms are in
The tournament is played in a qualification-final scheme. The exact scheme depends on the number of participating teams and will be published after the entries are closed.
Playing rooms are in the Besídka and Arkáda hotels. All the playing rooms and accomodation are in renaissance houses from the 16th century, situated on the main square in Slavonice.
Prizes given away are cups made of traditional ceramics designed by local artists specially for our tournament.
The winning team will be invited to next year’s tournament (free of entry fees, complimentary stay at Arkáda hotel).
More information here
28 April 2017 - 1 May 2017 (All Day)(GMT+00:00)
Namesti Miru 466