32nd Mamaia International Bridge Festival
201727augAll Day08sep32nd Mamaia International Bridge FestivalMamaia, Romania(All Day)(GMT+00:00)
Event Details
In order to make your reservation first you have to chose the hotel that best suits you. In order to do this please click on the more info link next
Event Details
In order to make your reservation first you have to chose the hotel that best suits you. In order to do this please click on the more info link next to each of the hotels and see the details. When you decide upon a hotel select the dates of arrival and of departure and click the button ‘next’. In the next page choose the type of room you want, then enter your first and last name, your city, your email and your phone. It is very important to enter correctly the email and the phone as the email will be used during the reservation process and the phone might be used by the organizer for possible urgent announcements. Please note that you can’t make more than one reservation for a given email address.. The next field is used to eliminate spam reservations. Please enter the characters seen in the image. When all the informations required are entered please click the ‘Confirm reservation’ button. You will receive an email containing a link. Please click the link to confirm your reservation. In case your email doesn’t arrive in a few minutes please check your spam or bulk folder. If you can’t find the email there please contact the organizers.
Click here, for more information
27 August 2017 - 8 September 2017 (All Day)(GMT+00:00)
Estival Restaurant