Alain Lévy

Born 1949, Alain Lévy is a three time world champion (World Bridge Games 1992 and 1996, Bermuda Bowl 1997). He also won the 1999 European pairs and the 2018 senior European teams, having now played internationally for more than 40 years. He is still active as a member of the French senior team, winning a bronze medal in the 2022 World Championship after taking third place in the 2021 online European trial.

Alain also achieved tremendous work related to the teaching of bridge. He held a column on opening leads in “Le Bridgeur” for more than 20 years and recently wrote a standout book on this topic. His articles in various bridge magazines are especially clear and always extremely appreciated by all players (from the beginner to the expert). Furthermore he has developed a comprehensive bidding system, which still is a source of inspiration for many French champions nowadays, arguably making him the most recognized French theorist. On top of it Alain is one of the founder of the “Bridge Academy”, a teaching website which is very popular in France.

Alain served a lot of times as captain or coach of various French teams, helping them to prepare for important championships. A true lover of the game, he is definitely one of our most popular professors and champions.