Bridge in the 21st century by Panos Gerontopoulos
EBL Championships’ Requirements by Maurizio di Sacco
EBL Upcoming Champiosnhips by Yves Aubry
Eligibility for EBL events by Marc de Pauw
Israel Youth Program by Oryah Meir
NBO Structure
• Estonian Tournament Bridge League by Piret Aava
• Polish Bridge Union by Radek Kielbasinski
New EBL Website by Jan Kamras
Organizing a Championship by Sevinc Atay
Promotion & Development at Bridge by Pim Vaders
Recruit – How to introduce bridge to young people by Micke Melander
Sweden’s Handicap System by Micke Melander
TD Courses by Josef Harsanyi
Votes & Dues by Marc de Pauw