EBL Events 2020


At its meeting on April , the EBL Executive Committee made the following decisions:

  • National Teams Championships in Madeira – The event will be postponed until June 2021, hopefully at the same location. The local government in Madeira did not permit a postponement until later this year.
  • The Transnational Championships normally held in June of odd-numbered years will not be staged in 2021. No decision was taken concerning the event cycle as of 2022.
  • National Youth Pairs Championships in Salsomaggiore – The event will be cancelled. A decision about which Youth event will be staged, and where, in 2021 will be taken once the WBF has decided about the continuation of its Youth cycle as of 2022. Such decision is expected to be taken at the end of May 2020.
  • European Champions’ Cup in Pezinok/Slovakia – For the time being, this event will take place as scheduled on November 12-14, but it is dependent upon the further development of virus related travel and meeting restrictions. This event involves only 12 teams and a limited number of staff, so it can be organised in a more controlled environment than the larger events.