8th European Open Championships – Bus transfers Montecatini – Mondolandia


Tickets at € 30 for the full week will be sold at the registration desk next to the Tourist Office in Montecatini (on Friday June 16 only) and at the hospitality desk in Mondolandia at all times.
Buses in the morning will load starting 9:45 and depart latest 10:00 from the three pick-up locations marked on the map available at the registration and hospitality desks.

Buses will return from Mondolandia at the end of play and drop-off at location no. 1 only. On Saturday, Sunday and Monday June 17, 18 and 19 there will also be a bus making a return trip Mondolandia-Montecatini-Mondolandia during the lunch break, for those teams with players only playing either the morning or the afternoon session.