BAMSA’s recent papers and audio-visual resources

BAMSA’s recent papers and audio-visual resources:
Bridge: A MindSport for All (BAMSA) has published a report on Promoting and Marketing Bridge plus a three-page summary:
McCutcheon, A, and Punch, S. (2024) A Sociological Study on Promoting the Mindsport Bridge, BAMSA Report: University of Stirling.

BAMSA’s most recent academic journal article discusses the shift to digital bridge during the global pandemic. It covers four key themes: digital volunteer facilitators, maintaining social connections through digital bridge, the practical benefits, and the digital constraints and challenges.

The below publication includes a short video and podcast. These are based on BAMSA’s research with adult bridge players, which we are using to introduce the concept of mindsport education for schools:
Please feel free to use any of these materials in promoting bridge or on your website, all we ask is that someone drops BAMSA an email to let us know how/where you’ve used it as that is helpful for reporting to the University (
And finally, BAMSA has just published a new book: The Art of Becoming a Top Player. It is based on 60 interviews as part of the Bridging Minds project, and is available to order from Amazon or other bookstores.
Samantha Punch