10th EBL/WBF TD Workshop


Hotel Grami – Sofia/Bulgaria
21-24 November 2024

The EBL is delighted to announce that the next TD Workshop will be held in the Hotel Grami, Sofia, Bulgaria from 21 to 24 November 2024.

The Tournament Director Workshops are designed for TDs who are not on the Official TD Register of the EBL/WBF. The aim is to support local NBO TD training by improving the knowledge and synchronizing the work and methodology of TDs.

The language of instruction is English, and a working knowledge of English is required.

Participants who are successful in the Workshops will be invited to the next Max Bavin TD Course in 2025 where they will have the opportunity of achieving the level of EBL Director.

EBL TD Workshop – 1st info letter

Application form – APP1

Application form – APPA

For further information, please contact secretariat@europeanbridge.org or Dimitri Ballas ballasdim@gmail.com or Eitan Levy levy.eitan@gmail.com