Message from the EBL President Jan Kamras


Dear friends

Another year is nearing the end. At the end of last year we hoped that 2021 would bring back some sense of normality to our lives after enduring so many restrictions, both in terms of face-to-face bridge and other activities. Unfortunately those hopes were not fulfilled. This year has also been marked by the pandemic, although the vaccinations have helped both in containing the virus and in making those infected less sick.

I think you will all join us in wishing for a much improved situation in 2022, even if we may have to learn to live with this Coronavirus as we have learned to live with others. We hope that all the face-to-face events planned can be held as scheduled, but we must be prepared to be flexible as the situation develops.

On behalf of all my colleagues on the Executive Committee, I wish you all a wonderful holiday season and a happy, healthy and successful New Year at, and away from, the bridge table!

Jan Kamras