The Sociology of Bridge


The EBL is pleased to introduce a new paper – (Per)forming identity in the mind-sport bridge: Self, partnership and community – written by Professor Samantha Punch, Zoe Russell and Beth Cairns from the University of Stirling in Scotland.

Identities and Bridge
BAMSA Full paper.pdf


It is ground-breaking research in this area of the sociology of Bridge, undertaken in conjunction with BAMSA – “Bridge – A Mind Sport for All” and will provide the bridge playing community with a significant resource of material to use both internally and in support of our engagement with the non-bridge playing world in promotion and sponsoring.

Summaries of the Study – Elite Bridge: Players, Partnerships and Community are also linked


Identities Practical
Summary BAMSA.pdf



Identities Theoretical
Summary BAMSA.pdf


Congratulations to all the team at BAMSA and good luck with your continuing good work.