EBL Investigation Development


EBL President Yves Aubry has asked the EBL Investigating Committee to complete its work on the four current cases before the end of 2015. Its recommendations will then be passed to the EBL Disciplinary Committee who will consider and act on them before the end of February 2016. This will allow adequate time to complete any appeals process before the European Teams Championships to be held in Budapest in June 2016.

Additionally, the EBL has commenced a complete review of all possible areas connected to the complete eradication of cheating in our game, where integrity must remain above reproach.

This will include a review of the Disciplinary Code, where sanctions for specific infractions will be outlined, a review of all technological assistance to be used for monitoring our game and the participation in a co-operative worldwide protocol to identify and monitor any possible cheating practices.

Letter from the President of the Netherlands Bridge Bond
Reply from the President of the European Bridge League